I’m Katrin a Berlin based cross-disciplinary creative director and work in a great variety of design fields, both digital and print design, including campaign concepts for on/offline and video.

I specialize in crafting products that engage audiences and bring ideas to life. By helping clients shape their brands and advance their campaigns, I create content that resonates and drives results — whether through traditional channels or emerging media.

Currently I’m a freelance Art Director for Adobe Studio EMEA but take on other projects as well. Please get in touch.


She runs her own label Ghost Whyte
and co-founded The Good Run in 2019, the first European sustainable shop for running gear. 



︎ Creative & Art Direction
︎ Content Creation

︎ Brand Communication
︎ Visual Language
︎ Crafts
︎ Design Consulting
︎ Stakeholder Managment


︎ Adobe
︎ Adidas
︎ Puma
︎ Telekom
︎ SoundCloud
︎ BMW
︎ Mercedes
︎ Smart
︎ Etsy
︎ Getty Images
︎ SZ Magazin
︎ BMW Magazin
︎ eBay
︎ KaDeWe

︎ Continental
︎ Haribo
+ many more

︎ Jung von Matt/Spree
︎ Smith 
︎ Nolte & Lauth
︎ C3 
︎ Telekom Labs 
︎ EmeisDeubel 
︎ Interbrand
︎ Flora & Fauna Visions
︎ Gruner & Jahr 
︎ Remolino (Buenos Aires) 

︎ The Good Run
︎ Creative Artist Agency
+ many more



︎ Clio Awards, Bronze for
Adobe x Bowie, 2023

︎ Eurobest, Digital Craft for
Adobe x Bowie, 2022


︎ Süeddeutsche Zeitung Magazin with GhostWhyte

︎ Deutschlands beste Fotograf/innen 2023

︎ Slanted, Colors, with Ghost Wyhte



︎ Since 2013
Fulltime freelance Creative Directer & Designer,

︎ Since 2020
Freelance Art Director Adobe Studio EMEA 

︎ 2013-2014
Art Director Paper & Tea, Berlin

︎ 2012-2013
Senior Visual Communications SoundCloud, Berlin

︎ 2008-2011
Senior AD Communications Designer + Team Lead EMEA
Veer/Corbis UK, London

Freelance Editorial Designer, Munich

Graphic Designer Apparel adidas, Herzogenaurach

Freelance Graphic Designer, Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Munich

︎ 2002-2005
Deutsche Meisterschule für Mode,
Communication graphic designer and fashion graphics, Munich

© Katrin Boh 2023        ︎About        ︎hello@spillsandthrills.de        ︎Impressum        ︎LinkedIn        ︎Work